Giant blew into Dallas on a haboob, dusted off his boots and became the big, queer bear you see today. He identifies as asexual panromantic yet found home in the hyper-sexed leather and kink community. He currently serves as president of the Lone Star Boys of Leather and works as a safer sex advocate as a Fully Professed Guard of the DFW Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. A lover of history, he can be found in museums, libraries, and the dusty corners of antique malls throughout the nation. His passion for history served him well during his travels as International Mr. Leather Bear 2018. Now a wuzzie, he enjoys teaching classes on queer and leather history and working with various groups to preserve leather stories that will become our cultural identity and define our common history.
Cruising - From Flowers and Fans to Hankies and Hookups
A flick of a fan, a bouquet of fresh flowers, a bandana stuffed in a back pocket; symbols we all recognize as expressions of flirtation and sexual desire. Throughout history for as long as expressing sexuality has been oppressed, there have been secret languages used to find other interested parties. Every society has their own symbols and language. Join me for a history of cruising, current symbols and seeing what’s next.
Cruising is an integral part of leather and sexual rebellion where queer flirting and sex talk relied on flowers in lapels and fabric stuffed in pockets. Born from sex-repressed Victorian rigid moral code and digitized into dating apps, cruising seems a relic of a nostalgic time better left in the past. With a new moral panic and our cruising culture made mainstream, what future does cruising have in leather and kink? Join me for a history of cruising, current symbols and seeing what’s next.
Leather Ace – Sexual Rebellion Without Sexual Attraction
What is it like to be asexual in the hypersexual world of kink and leather? Join me for a roundtable discussion about asexuality, leather and kink and being ace in a leather space. This will be an open round-table discussion class. Open to those who identify as asexual, demisexual, grey ace, have an asexual partner or want to learn about asexuality.